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Images of topaz scrutiny, quartz rain, Sandusky supermoons and banded tulips vie for attention in a poetic montage.
It was how you overhung the spirit quartz rain
above Old Woman's Creek
that glibly thawed the syndromes
of my flickering convertible skin,
your fire-dancing into the furrows
of a heart gone breezeless.
Your upturned topaz scrutiny
detonated overdrawn overestimation,
the very counterfeit breath
when snow pellets dramatize ice crystals,
vampiric diamond dust needles
gnawing Sandusky supermoons.
With all the wiles of a Banded Tulip
spitting on tabbed sweethearts,
I candidly dog-eared the angular temper
of your truant longboard,
the impolite symmetry of mute swans
pluming such well-tailored contour.
Incoherence: Welcome

Megan Denese Mealor resides in Jacksonville, Florida. A two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, her writing has been featured worldwide. She has authored three poetry collections: Bipolar Lexicon (2018); Blatherskite (2019); and A Mourning Dove’s Wishbone (2022). She and her husband, son, and three cats occupy a cozy yet cavernous townhouse.
Incoherence: Text
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