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Cosmic View
The poet draws up some breath-taking images of natural beauty and sets them in lyrical verse. The image of an evening where stars gather on tiptoe, walks the reader into a world of calm beauty and serene charm.
above the railroad hill
stars gather on tiptoe
to wink or stare
us closer.
At the proud top
we’re precious
little nearer stars, moon
than where we stood
And though we read
the moon keeps moving
two inches
farther from Earth
each year
its long quivery fingers
still braid us quick
with silver
before a train whistles
us home.
Cosmic View: Welcome

Carol Kanter's poetry has appeared in over seventy journals and anthologies.
She describes her poetry as “accessible.” She and her photographer
husband have put together three art books on Africa; India, Nepal and
Bhutan; and SE Asia. See
Cosmic View: Text
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