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A little hole on a wet sandy beach resounds with the sound of the sea. The fullness of the sea merges and becomes one with a tiny hole in the ground.
My finger digs deep.
First there is wet sand
then water spurts up from below it
like a spring.
I put my ear to it.
It is the boom of the sea.
A tide breaks over me,
my body surges seawards.
Fulness: Welcome

Neera Kashyap has had a career in social & health communications. She has authored a book for young adults, Daring to Dream, (Rupa & Co.) and contributed to five prize-winning anthologies for children. As a writer of short fiction, poetry, book reviews and essays, her work has appeared in several international literary journals and poetry anthologies. The Indian poetry anthologies include Hibiscus & Shimmer Spring (Hawakal), Freedom Raga & New Normal (Exceller), among others, the international poetry anthologies include The Poet’s ‘Seasons, Poetica 1 & 2 (UK); The Kali Project, Voices from within and Hunger anthology (USA). The literary journals that have published her poetry include Verse Virtual, Life & Legends, Failed Haiku, among others. She lives in Delhi.
Fulness: Text
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