Dreaming of Another Form
By Sunil Sharma
Commuting by train
walking in the plaza
along the Lake Boulevard,
on fall evenings,
Miss Teen, in a classic combo of
torn jeans and baggy shirt, wants
to grow the skin of a Saguaro,
the sharp spine, dense ribs, long arms,
in a
city of dainty flowers, roughly
handled by the stray paws
and consumed
by the
fiery white eyes
of the roaming wolves.

Sunil Sharma is a humble word-worshipper: catcher of elusive sounds, meanings and images. He has published 27 creative and critical books-joint and solo. Sunil is the winner of, among others, the Panorama Golden Globe Award-2023, and, Nissim Award for Excellence-2022 for the novel Minotaur. His poems were included in the prestigious UN project: Happiness: The Delight-Tree: An Anthology of Contemporary International Poetry, 2015. He is Editor of the monthly Setu journal (English): https://www.setumag.com/p/setu-home.html