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Non Fiction

Memoirs Travelogues Musings & Essays

Non Fiction: Food Articles


Torres del Paine


Abbie Stirling takes the reader on yet another unforgettable adventure, this time to the Torres del Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia, with its magnificent mountains, glaciers and incredible vistas. These 'Towers of Pain' challenge an explorer physically but the breathtaking beauty on offer makes it worthwhile.

~Abbie Stirling



The Circus: A Relic of the Past


The 1960s and the 1970s were the Golden era of the Circus in India. But with the amendment in the Wildlife Act, this form of entertainment has lost its sheen. It is now a derelict version of its original avatar. The essay analyses the reasons for the decline in this form of entertainment in India.



~Meenakshi Shastrabudhe


Wings of Light


The glow of the winged fireflies lights up the author’s garden. Whimsically, she collects the fireflies and puts them in a glass bottle, where they twinkle and glow, dispelling the darkness. The author is delighted to have her own personal source of natural electricity.

~Chitra Singh 

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