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The Wise Owl: Poetry


Eloquent Emotions

Poetry: Arts Articles
Poetry: The Roads Untraveled
Poetry: Inheritance
Poetry: When the Conch was blown
Poetry: Creeper


The pliability of the creeper leaves a lot to be desired. The tree, instead, offers a salutary lesson in stability and strength. The poet suggests that human character should be like a tree instead of a clinging creeper.


I have a little soft corner

For the creeper...

~Lalita Jagmohan Singh

When the Conch was Blown

A woman is celebrated as the most powerful force in some Hindu Upanishads, Sastras and Puranas. Taking a leaf out of our ancient scriptures, the poet suggests that woman power can vanquish all manner of demonic forces. 


When the conch was blown,

Came they together!

~Kavita Bhatnagar


A mother passes on her bitterness and ‘pitara’ of grudges and misery to her daughter as an unwanted inheritance. A disconsolate and embittered daughter finds that she has become a reflection of her odious and mundane parent.  


If only Amma had clever things to say

or finesse or largesse to her credit...

~Nalini Priyadarshini


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The Roads Untraveled

The poet walks life’s path where shattered dreams, broken promises and past regrets haunt him. Then in a moment of spiritual realization, the poet decides not to run away like a coward but bravely face the vagaries of life. In doing so, he achieves ‘nirvana’ or ultimate peace. 

As I sit and gaze at the sparks

flickering from the fireplace

I go down the road often unwalked



~Emaikwu Godwin

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