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Alan Summers

The Wise Owl talks to Alan Summers, a poet of haiku and related genres, whose poetry has been published in various anthologies and journals worldwide.He has authored several poetry collections viz. 'Does the Fish-God Know', 'The in-between Season', among others and edited 'c.2.2.: Anthology of Short Verse' and 'Four Virtual Haiku Poets'.A double Japan Times award winning writer, Summers was filmed by NHK Television (Japan) for ‘Europe meets Japan-Alan’s Haiku Journey’. He is a Pushcart prize nominated poet for haiku and haibun and was formerly General Secretary of British Haiku Society and Editor Emeritus for the multi-award-winning Red Moon Anthologies for best haikai literature (2000-2005). He also happens to be the recipient of a Touchstone Individual Poem Award for 2016.


Tom Allison Verano

The Wise Owl has an interesting chat with Tom Allison Verano, a passionate, self-taught freelance artist who uses varied mediums like watercolours, graphite pencils, ink and acrylic paint etc. Tom’s expertise and inclination is to paint portraits, mainly female faces. Tom has won the Department of Trade and Industry painting contest (2007) and Civil Registration painting contest (2008) held by the Philippines Government. He was declared Artist of the Year in 2008. He is currently residing in Baler, Aurora in Philippines where he is pursuing his passion for the arts full time.

Tete-a-Tete: Food Articles
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