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Creative Non-Fiction

Memoirs Travelogues Musings & Essays

Non Fiction: Food Articles
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Bowled By Budapest


Budapest is a city where different traditions meet and meld. Gita Viswanath’s travelogue ‘Bowled by Budapest’ weaves together the different strands of the city’s heritage and its history of Roman baths that goes back to the Stone Age. She gives the travelogue a touch of romance by weaving in the WWII love story of her AirBnb hostess’s Russian Grandmother and Hungarian grandfather.

~ Gita Viswanath


La Dolce Vita


Foraging for wild, juicy berries, drinking the nectar of sugarcane from cane stripped off the sugarcane fields, lying under the azure blue sky, popping fresh green peas from the pods and enjoying their tangy flavour and playing marbles was what made life interesting and enchanting for the children living in a tiny hamlet on the outskirts of Dehradun. Chitra Singh reminiscences about the halcyon days of childhood.


~Chitra Singh


Why Read 'The Iliad' By Homer?


The Iliad is an epic poem written by the Greek poet Homer. It tells the story of the tragedy of the Trojan war fought between the city of Troy and the Greeks. The writer compares the Trojan war, as described by Homer, with modern warfare. He believes that Homer’s Iliad teaches a lesson in mercy and compassion even in war, something which is missing in the modern context. 


~Carlo Rey Lacsamana 

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